Industry 5.0
Facts and Figures
Legal framework
Waste categories
6R methodology
Blog Michael Rada
INDUSTRY 5.0 Ambassadors
INDUSTRY 5.0 AMBASSADORS are HUMANS that represents the INDUSTRY 5.0 principles on a national level in a globally harmonized action.

Role fullfilment
- Ambassadors must deliver Industry 5.0 to the market, companies, politicans, businesses and education system.
- Ambassadors open unspoken topics not just by asking questions, but proposing solutions.
- Ambassadors are networkers and grown own networks by sharing the information and helping others.
- Ambassadors are the first to test before they suggest somethingg.
- Ambassadors are the role models for all who would like to live in a wasteless world.

"Every process can be changed."
– Michael Rada, HUMAN
Industry 5.0 Ambassador’s Decathon

- Be HONEST, OPEN and RESPECT all without prejustice.
- DELIVER FIRST, reports later.
- PROTECT INDUSTRY 5.0 name for being misused or misinterpreted.
- HUMANITY FIRST, profit later. Sustainable in economy and ecology.
- Be the first who change. Be the ROLE MODEL in all you do.
- SHARE, EDUCATE, SUPPORT. Change the mindset from wasteful to wasteless.
- Be CONSISTEN and CURRIOUS. Start where the others stopped.
- REDUCE YOUR WASTE FOOTPRINT, by reducing your consume.
- Be the first who is on the construction site of WASTELESS WORLD every day.
TAREC-IN Asset Recovery Guidelines (EXTRACT P1-4 v2.0)
Promoting REUSE practice of Waste at IVAR Reuse Centre Green City – 2024
"Waste is the product of incorrect planning, an unusable design with unsuitable and sometimes environmentally harmful materials. Ultimately, however, waste is always a loss of profit. What businessman or buisnesswoman wants that?"
– Philipp Ullmann, Industry 5.0 Ambassador
Recycling projects and exchanges in Switzerland
"Component exchange in Basel"
On the one hand, circular construction means preserving, upgrading and reusing building materials. On the other hand, circular construction also means removing, upgrading and reinstalling components that have not yet reached the end of their life.
"SALZA - Find. Reuse. Now."
In addition to operation and mobility, the gray energy of a building accounts for up to a quarter of the total primary energy. For reasons of climate protection, the reuse of building components is therefore the order of the day. Salza GmbH offers components for reuse on its online platform.
A few months or weeks before a building is demolished or converted, the platform offers the opportunity to offer components for reuse.
The OFFCUT material markets collect used and residual materials that would otherwise end up as waste.
Products and materials are sorted, stored and resold as materials for new projects. OFFCUT thus sensitizes the Swiss population to use resources with care and offers creative answers to the ecological challenges of our time.
"USE AGAIN - The platform for component reuse"
Construction and demolition waste is one of the heaviest and largest sources of waste generated in Switzerland. This accounts for around 30 to 40% of all waste generated in Switzerland. A transition from a linear production and consumption model to circular resource management requires all players in the construction industry, as well as users, authorities and all other industry stakeholders who can also have a direct or indirect impact.
In the spirit of Industry 5.0
International recycling projects and exchanges
"Material Exchange"
Transforming sourcing
Material Exchange is transforming the way the fashion industry sources materials and products to be more efficient, transparent, and sustainable.
They achieve this through our state-of-the-art Digital Sourcing Platform and services, which allow material suppliers to showcase their materials more effectively to fashion brands, and fashion brands to find the materials they need in a fraction of the time.

The sustainability experts – we clear the way for you in the sustainability jungle.
Sustainability is in our DNA. We are happy to share our passion and many years of experience with you.
Gaertnerstrasse 11, CH-4656 Starrkirch-Wil, Switzerland
(+41) 79 756 31 89