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Live a more sustainable life

Three major levers in sustainability are transportation, housing and food

Even with small changes in these three areas, you can reduce your ecological footprint as well as your carbon footprint.


How do I live more sustainably?

Living sustainably and protecting the environment and the climate raises a number of questions. What is the best and easiest way to protect nature and biodiversity? And do I as an individual make any difference at all?

To make your everyday life more ecological and climate-friendly, start by taking small steps. Rome wasn’t built in a day either. But plan for the long term with fixed personal and achievable targets.

In any case, it is important that you can achieve your goals and celebrate success. It is also easier to achieve your own sustainable goals if you set them together with family or friends.


Sustainable mobility and sustainable travel

  • Petrol and diesel cars are responsible for a large proportion of CO2 emissions worldwide. Therefore, if you use public transport or your bike and walk short distances, you will reduce your CO2 emissions enormously.
  • And if you are dependent on a car for your job, opt for a more economical electric car or, depending on the distance, an e-bike.
  • Vacations in your own country are also a sustainable alternative to all-inclusive vacations in faraway countries.


Sustainable household and living

Two thirds of the energy consumption in the house is caused by heating.

  • But if you don’t have the option to install an environmentally friendly heating system, you can decrease your room temperature by one or two degrees instead.
  • With the right clothes, you can keep warm and heat sparingly without losing comfort.

In second place is the consumption of hot water, and with simple measures a lot of energy and water can also be saved here.

  • For example, you can take a short shower instead of a bath and reduce the water temperature a bit.
  • Attach water-saving nozzles to the taps and equip your toilet with water-saving buttons.
  • Completely fill the washing machine when washing clothes, avoid a pre-washing programme and select the savings programme.
  • Do not wash vegetables and fruit under running water, but in a bowl filled with water, and clean dishes in the dishwasher, not in the sink.
  • In the garden, you can also save water by building a rainwater collection system. And do you really need a golf lawn, or is it not better to have a natural lawn to promote biodiversity? In addition, mulch your beds, so you have to water less.

Cooking, including washing dishes, also consumes a lot of electricity.

  • You can save a lot of power with a few tricks and the right knowledge. Always use a pot lid when cooking. Turn off the heat early and let your food cook with the residual heat.
  • Set the optimum fridge temperature (7 degrees Celsius) and store the food according to the recommendations. Finally, you can make the products last longer and prevent food waste. Defrost frozen food in the fridge and defrost the fridge yourself regularly. Ice formation reduces the efficiency of the device.
  • Do not preheat the oven and use the residual heat.



Sustainable nutrition

  • You don’t just have to throw out your entire animal-based diet, you have to start cutting back on your meat intake. Flexitarian is the magic word for a sustainable diet.
  • Consume fewer animal products and rely more on plant-based alternatives instead. This will conserve natural resources.
  • Plant-based food not only produces fewer greenhouse gases, but also takes up less land and, above all, uses less water. In addition, the flexitarian diet also helps biodiversity and reduces food competition.
  • Create local value and therefore consciously buy seasonal, regional and more sustainable organic products on the local market. By doing so, you also promote the preservation of biodiversity
    Above all, don’t go shopping in your car, but walk, cycle or use public transport.


The sustainability experts – we clear the way for you in the sustainability jungle.

Sustainability is in our DNA. We are happy to share our passion and many years of experience with you.





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(+41) 79 756 31 89

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