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Find YouR Sustainable NGO

These NGOs make other people’s lives easier. They often do this in cooperation with the local population and existing local materials.

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Wordwild millions of used hotel soaps are discarded everyday and sent off to landfill sites, creating an increasing environmental problem.

Sapo Cycle

Activity area: Switzerland, Germany, France and the rest of the world

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  • The non-profit organization SapoCycle transforms discarded hotel soaps into life-saving products.
  • To do this, it collects discarded soaps in European hotels. It then reprocesses them and distributes the recycled soaps to improve sanitary conditions for children and families in need.
  • People with disabilities are responsible for soap recycling and can therefore work in a stable environment.


Water is unique; no other substance occurs naturally on our planet in frozen, liquid and gaseous form. Without water, all biological processes would come to a standstill. Water is the source and engine of life.

Warka Water (WW)

Activity area: Cameroon

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  • Warka Water (WW) provides people with clean water, sanitation and housing.
  • To accomplish this, it works with the local population to build appropriate infrastructure and facilities.
  • They offer technical training for construction, operation and maintenance.
  • It has also developed educational programs for the population on sanitation and hygiene practices.

Water for Water (WfW)

Activity area: Mozambique, Zambia and Switzerland

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  • WfW focuses on the development of professionally maintained water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) supply systems in structurally disadvantaged areas.
  • It also promotes the climate-friendly consumption and effective protection of water as a resource.
  • The focus of all activities is always on imparting skills and abilities in dealing with water as a resource.
  • To achieve this, WfW consciously and critically examines problems and opportunities in dealing with water, with the aim of continuously strengthening local value chains and breaking down their dependencies.

Fog nets

Water is omnipresent in our lives. We experience it most directly when drinking and washing. Unfortunately, there are many places without sufficient supplies of drinking water.

Water foundaiton

Activity area: Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Chile, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Morocco, Nepal, Palestine, Senegal, Zimbabwe, Uganda, and Uzbekistan

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  • Fog nets are created in cooperation with local partners.
  • Easy-to-use wells are also dug, water pipes laid and pumps installed.
  • In addition, cisterns are built, water transport is organized and the population is trained in sustainable water management.


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